A CN local bisects the Appvion, historically Appleton Papers, mill and approaches N. Mead St. as it heads southwest via former C&NW rails at Appleton, WI on 6 Aug. '18. Founded as Appleton Coated Paper Co. at Appleton, WI on 13 May 1907. Acquired by the National Cash Register Co. (NCR) in ’70. NCR combined Appleton Coated Paper Co., Combined Locks Paper Co., and Roaring Spring mill (in PA), to form Appleton Papers, Inc. in ’71. NCR sold Appleton Papers to B.A.T Industries (British American Tobacco Co.) in ’78. The company endured an assortment of foreign owners for the next 23 years. Appleton Papers transferred the assets and operations of its coated free sheet business, primarily the former Combined Locks Paper Co. mill, to a new legal entity, Appleton Coated, LLC, in ’00. Appleton Papers employees completed an $810 million buyout of the company on 9 Nov. ‘01. Appleton Papers changed its trade name and logo to Appleton in ’03. The name changed to Appvion, Inc., on 13 May ’13. It was sold to Franklin Advisers, Inc., et al., on 13 Jun. ’18. Train was heading back to Neenah after working Appleton, Little Chute and Kaukauna. |